Failed to obtain WebVPN cookie error while connecting from centos 6.10
shyam jos
2018-11-06 12:39:46 UTC
I am getting below error when connecting to a cisco unit from centos 6.10 .
openconnect vpn.example.com -u user --authgroup="grp"

POST https://vpn.example.com
Connected to x.x.x.x
SSL negotiation with vpn.example.com
SSL connection failure
Failed to open HTTPS connection to vpn.example.com
Failed to obtain WebVPN cookie

OpenConnect version v7.07
Using OpenSSL. Features present: TPM (OpenSSL ENGINE not present),
PKCS#11, RSA software token, HOTP software token, TOTP software token,
Yubikey OATH, DTLS

works fine on a Debian 9 server with OpenConnect version v7.08, but
V7.08 is not available for centos 6.10 , How can i Fix this issue?